Fallout 4: tutti gli effetti di armi e scudi leggendari


In Fallout 4 gli elementi fondamentali delle Armi Leggendarie sono certamente la loro qualità e il danno che sono in grado di infliggere, in modo da sopravvivere nella Wasteland nel modo più indolore possibile. Gamepur ha pensato bene dunque di pubblicare una guida riguardante proprio le Armi Leggendarie, spiegandovi in modo dettagliato i loro effetti di danno e di protezione.

Effetti Armi Leggendarie

  • Assassin’s – Effect: 50% more damage against humans
  • Automatic – Effect: Automatic fire mode
  • Berserker’s – Effect: More damage the lower your damage resistance is
  • Bloodied – Effect: More damage the lower your health is
  • Cavalier’s – Effect: 15% less damage while blocking or sprinting
  • Crippling – Effect: 50% more limb damage
  • Enraging – Effect: Critical hits cause target to frenzy
  • Explosive – Effect: Bullets explode on impact doing 15 area effect damage
  • Exterminator’s – Effect: 50% more damage against Mirelurks and bugs.
  • Freezing – Effect: 10 points cryo damage and will freeze targets on critical hits
  • Furious – Effect: Damage increase after each hit on same target
  • Ghoul Slayer’s – Effect: 50% more damage against Ghouls
  • Hunter’s – Effect: 50% more damage against animals
  • Incendiary Effect: Sets target on fire for 15 points of damage
  • Instigating – Effect: 2x damage if the target is at full health
  • Irradiated – Effect: 50 points additional radiation damage
  • Junkie’s – Effect: Damage increase more withdrawal affects you are suffering
  • Kneecapper – Effect: 20% chance to cripple the target’s leg
  • Lucky Weapon – Effect: Critical shots do double damage and the critical meter fills 15% faster
  • Medic’s – Effect: Heals targets instead of hurting them
  • Mutant Slayer’s – Effect: 50% more damage against Super Mutants
  • Never Ending – Effect: Unlimited ammo capacity
  • Nimble – Effect: 75% faster movement while aiming
  • Nocturnal – Effect: Does increasing amounts of damage as the night grows longer and less damage during the day
  • Penetrating – Effect: Ignores 30% of the target’s damage and energy resistance
  • Plasma Infused – Effect: Adds 10 points of energy damage and can turn enemies into goo
  • Poisoner’s – Effect: Target is poisoned for 10 seconds
  • Powerful – Effect: Provides 25% more damage
  • Quickdraw – Effect: Costs 25% fewer Action Points
  • Rapid – Effect: Provides 25% faster fire rate, 15% faster reload
  • Relentless – Effect: Refills your Action Points on a critical hit
  • Sentinel’s – Effect: 15% less damage while standing and not moving
  • Staggering – Effect: Chance to stagger on hit
  • Stalker’s – Effect: If you are not yet in combat, increases VATS accuracy but costs more AP
  • Troubleshooter’s – Effect: Does 50% more damage against robots.
  • Two Shot – Effect: Shoots an additional projectile
  • VATS Enhanced – Effect: Improved VATS hit chance, 25% less Action Point cost
  • VATS Enhanced – Effect: 40% less Action Point cost
  • Violent – Effect: Deals +25% damage and limb damage, but has more recoil
  • Wounding – Effect: Targets bleed for 25 points of additional damage

Effetti Scudi Leggendari

  • Cunning – Effect: Agility +1, Perception +1
  • V.A.T.S. Enhanced – Effect: 10% reduction in Action Point costs in V.A.T.S.
  • Powered – Effect: Increases Action Point refresh speed
  • Chameleon – Effect: Hard to detect while sneaking and not moving
  • Sharp – Effect: Charisma +1, Intelligence +1
  • Duelist’s – Effect: 10% chance to disarm melee attacker on hit
  • Freefall – Effect: No falling damage
  • Cavalier’s – Effect: 15% reduces damage while blocking or sprinting
  • Titan’s – Effect: 15 % reduces damage while standing and not moving
  • Hunter’s – Effect: 15% reduces damage from animals
  • Exterminator’s – Effect: 15% reduces damage from Mirelurks and bugs
  • Ghoul Slayer’s – Effect: 15% reduces damage from Ghouls
  • Assassin’s – Effect: 15% reduces damage from humans
  • Troubleshooter’s – Effect: 15% reduces damage from robots
  • Mutant Slayer’s – Effect: 15% reduces damage from Super Mutants
  • Acrobat’s – Effect: 50% reduces damage from falling
  • Safecracker’s – Effect: Increases size of sweet spot while picking locks.
  • Martyr’s – Effect: Temporarily slows time during combat when you are at 20% or less Health
  • Lucky – Effect: Luck +2.
  • Herbalist’s – Effect: +25 poison resistance
  • Punishing – Effect: Reflects 10% of melee damage back on attacker
  • Bolstering – Effect: Grants increasing energy and damage resistance the lower your Health (up to +35)
  • Sprinter’s – Effect: Increases wearer’s movement speed by 15%
  • Fortifying – Effect: Strength +1, Endurance +1
  • Low Weight – Effect: Low carry weight
  • Almost Unbreakable – Effect: Quadruples durability
Aurelio Vindigni Ricca
Fotografo e redattore sul web, caporedattore di Cinefilos Games e direttore editoriale di Vertigo24.