Mortal Kombat X aveva ricevuto oggi su PC un’importante patch mirata a correggere molti errori tecnici. Peccato però che lo stesso aggiornamento abbia portato con se ulteriori problemi, costringendo gli sviluppatori a ritirarla da Steam. Molti utenti infatti, dopo aver installato l’update, hanno visto scomparire i propri salvataggi, con relativo panico generale. Gli sviluppatori hanno così commentato sull’hub di Steam: “Abbiamo temporaneamente rimosso la nuova patch dai server Steam a causa di un errore con i salvataggi degli utenti. Stiamo lavorando duramente per risolvere il problema, ci scusiamo per i disagi che abbiamo creato.”
Davvero un passo falso non da poco, speriamo che tutto si risolva per il meglio quanto prima. Nel frattempo ecco il change log ufficiale della patch:
- Added the free Klassic Sub-Zero costume.
- Display drivers should no longer crash during online play.
- A crash will no longer occur after a full rotation of players in the lobby during Round Robin matches.
- Fixed a crash that some users experienced during the first QTE in the story.
- Game no longer crashes when players attempt to join a game through Steam or in a room.
- Fixed startup crash on high end systems (those with > 8 cores).
- Fixed a crash that would occur during recorded match playback.
- Save data safety check to try to eliminate save data loss.
- Fix to prevent save game data from being corrupted while closing the game.
- Walk away animations now appear at the end of the character selection process.
- The levers in Shao Khan’s Tomb will now activate.
- Shinnok’s Flick Trick Fatality no longer experiences a significant framerate drop.
- Functionality is no longer lost while watching a match replay.
- Pre-game lobbies will populate 10 players into Faction Battle matches.
- Kombat Kards will now display correct Icons, Backgrounds, and Borders in a KOTH match.
- Fatality inputs no longer change into QTE inputs during in Online Tower Battles.
- Game no longer desynchronizes when a player selects a character that their opponent has not unlocked.
- D’Vorah’s cape no longer moves when she’s killed.
- Game no longer freezes when opponent in online closes the game.
- Title remains responsive while story cinematics are loading.
- Fixed leaderboards and Kombat Kards not updating past the top players.
- After entering replays with the controller, the player can use the keyboard when watching a replay from an online match.
- Loading screens now display before progress bar fills up.
- Diagonal arrows are shown instead of keys when Alternate Control is enabled.
- Sometimes saving a Custom1 preset displayed as being saved for Custom1-4 in the character select and pause menu controls screens.
- The UI arrows will now switch sides on a tagged move when the character switched position with his opponent.
- Chat room names will now display properly (instead of SteamIDs).
- Fixed input callouts when switching between keyboard and USB controller after entering a KOTH match.
- Additional graphical fidelity options.
- General Matchmaking improvements.
- Performance improvements
- Improved online stability
- Multiplayer invite improvements
- Gameplay fixes and balancing
- Various Kombat Kard fixes
- WB Play fixes
- General bug fixes